Plants in the Cucurbita genus
- C. argyrosperma (Cushaw Pumpkin)
- C. ficifolia (Malabar Gourd)
C cont.
- C. foetidissima (Buffalo Gourd)
- C. maxima (Winter Squash Pumpkin)
C cont.
- C. moschata (Squash Pumpkin)
- C. pepo (Courgette Zucchini Squash)
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Cucurbita is a genus in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae first cultivated in the Andes and Mesoamerica and now used in many parts of the world. It includes species grown for their fruit and edible seeds (the squashes, pumpkins and marrows, and the chilacayote), as well as some species grown only as gourds[1].