A common name is the term used to describe traditional regional species names. As they can differ by country or region, a common name for a plant in one place can refer to an entirely different species in other. Some common names such as Apple or Cabbage are widely used and recognised, but can nonetheless be confusing. The Cane Apple, for example, is not a cultivar of Malus domestica (commonly named Apple) as one might expect but rather a common name for Arbutus unedo. Arbutus unedo is also known by the common name Strawberry Tree but is genetically distinct from species of the Fragaria genus which are more commonly collectively known as Strawberry.
As these examples make clear, common names can cause great confusion. As such binomial nomenclature is used to provide a name unique to each species. Nonetheless, common names such as apple, cucumber, potato, and so on, remain ubiquitous.
A-Z of common names
- Abcess Root
- Abutilon
- Abyssinian Cabbage
- Abyssinian Kale
- Abyssinian Oat
- Acalbir
- Achira
- Achoccha
- Aconite
- Adam's Needle
- Adder's Tongue
- Adderstongue
- Adria Bellflower
- Adriatic Bellflower
- African Lily
- African Marigold
- African Spider Flower
- Agave
- Ageratum
- Agnus Castus
- Agrimony
- Ague Weed
- Ahipa
- Aibika
- Ajanhuiri
- Akeake
- Akebi
- Alabama Cherry
- Alaska Blueberry
- Alaska Violet
- Alaska Wild Rhubarb
- Albardine
- Alder
- Alder Buckthorn
- Alecost
- Aleppo Oak
- Aleppo Pine
- Alerce
- Alexanders
- Alfalfa
- Algerian Tea
- Aligator Juniper
- Alkali Sakaton
- Alkanet
- All-Seed
- Alleghany Blackberry
- Allegheny Barberry
- Allegheny Plum
- Allegheny Shadberry
- Almond
- Almond-Leaved Willow
- Aloe Vera
- Alpenrose
- Alpine Bearberry
- Alpine Bistort
- Alpine Blueberry
- Alpine Calamint
- Alpine Celery Pine
- Alpine Currant
- Alpine Dock
- Alpine Forget-Me-Not
- Alpine French Honeysuckle
- Alpine Heuchera
- Alpine Knotweed
- Alpine Lady's Mantle
- Alpine Leek
- Alpine Rock Cress
- Alpine Spring Beauty
- Alpine Strawberry
- Alpine Sweetvetch
- Alpine Totara
- Alpine Wintergreen
- Alpine Wormwood
- Alsike Clover
- Alstroemeria
- Altai Mountain Thorn
- Alum Root
- Ameixa Do Peru
- American Arbor-Vitae
- American Aspen
- American Basswood
- American Beautyberry
- American Beech
- American Bistort
- American Blackcurrant
- American Bladder Nut
- American Blue Vervain
- American Brooklime
- American Bulrush
- American Cherry Laurel
- American Columbo
- American Cranberry
- American Dewberry
- American Dragonhead
- American Elder
- American Elm
- American Fireweed
- American Germander
- American Ginseng
- American Great Burnet
- American Green Alder
- American Hazel
- American Holly
- American Hornbeam
- American Ipec
- American Ipecacuanna
- American Liquorice
- American Liverleaf
- American Mandrake
- American Mountain Ash
- American Mountain Gooseberry
- American Nightshade
- American Pennyroyal
- American Persimmon
- American Pipeweed
- American Plum
- American Red Currant
- American Red Elder
- American Red Raspberry
- American Sloughgrass
- American Spikenard
- American Strawberry
- American Sweet Chestnut
- American Turkey Oak
- American Valerian
- American Vetch
- American Water Cress
- American Water Lotus
- American Wild Mint
- American Wisteria
- American Yellowrocket
- Ammoniacum
- Amur Cork Tree
- Amur Maple
- Amur River Grape
- Amur Silver Grass
- Anaqua
- Anchusa
- Andigena
- Anise Hyssop
- Aniseed
- Aniseed Tree
- Aniseroot
- Annual Beardgrass
- Annual Fleabane
- Annual Meadow Grass
- Annual Mercury
- Annual Nettle
- Annual Scorpion Vetch
- Annual Yellow Sweetclover
- Antelope Horns
- Antelope Sage
- Anu
- Apache Plume
- Apak Palm
- Appalachian Gooseberry
- Apple
- Apple Geranium
- Apple Mint
- Apple Rose
- Apple Sage
- Apple Serviceberry
- Appleberry
- Apricot
- Apricot Plum
- Arctic Bramble
- Arctic Dock
A cont.
- Arctic Poppy
- Arctic Sweet Coltsfoot
- Arizona Ash
- Arizona Cypress
- Arizona Dewberry
- Arizona Maderone
- Arizona Walnut
- Arnica
- Arracacha
- Arrayan
- Arrow Head
- Arrow Wood
- Arrowleaf Sweet Coltsfoot
- Arum Lily
- Asafoetida
- Asarabacca
- Ash
- Ashe Juniper
- Ashwagandha
- Asian Bistort
- Asian Madder
- Asian Mint
- Asian Pear
- Asiatic Sweetleaf
- Asparagus Fern
- Asparagus Pea
- Aspen Onion
- Aspen Poplar
- Asphodel
- Aspidistra
- Asthma Weed
- Ataco
- Atamasco Lily
- Athel Tamarisk
- Atlantic Camas
- Atlas Deodar
- Aubergine
- Aubretia
- August Lily
- Australian Bindweed
- Australian Bugle
- Australian Plum
- Austrian Pine
- Autumn Coralroot
- Autumn Crocus
- Autumn Lady's Tresses
- Autumn Olive
- Avalanche Lily
- Avelanche Lily
- Avignon Berry
- Azarole
- Azuma-Zasa
- Ba Jiao Hui Xian
- Babbington's Leek
- Baboon Root
- Baby's Breath
- Bachelor's Button
- Bai Bei Feng
- Bai Tou Weng
- Bai Wei
- Bai Zhi
- Bai Zhu
- Baikal Skullcap
- Balkan Clary
- Balloon Flower
- Balm Of Gilead
- Balmony
- Balsam Fir
- Balsam Poplar
- Balsam Root
- Balsamic Sage
- Baltic Rush
- Bamboo Fern
- Bamboo Lily
- Ban Xia
- Banana Passion Fruit
- Banana Shrub
- Banksia Rose
- Barbed Skullcap
- Barberry
- Barilla Plant
- Barley
- Barley Mitchell Grass
- Barnyard Millet
- Barrenwort
- Basil Thyme
- Basswood
- Bastard Balm
- Bastard Fig
- Bastard Oleaster
- Bastard Stone-Parsley
- Bastard Toad Flax
- Bath Asparagus
- Baw-Baw Berry
- Bay
- Bay Willow
- Bayberry
- Bayonet Grass
- Bayuezha
- Beach Aster
- Beach Flax Lily
- Beach Grass
- Beach Pea
- Beach Pine
- Beach Plum
- Beach Strawberry
- Beach Wormwood
- Beachhead Iris
- Bead Plant
- Bead Tree
- Beaded Sedge
- Beak Willow
- Beaked Cornsalad
- Beaked Hazel
- Bear Huckleberry
- Bear's Breeches
- Bear's Ear
- Bearberry
- Bearsfoot
- Beaumont's Root
- Beautyberry
- Bedstraw Milkweed
- Bee Orchid
- Beech
- Beetleweed
- Beetroot
- Beggar Ticks
- Beggar's Ticks
- Bei Chai Hu
- Bei Sha Shen
- Bei Wu Tou
- Bella Sombra
- Bellwort
- Bentham's Cornel
- Bergamot
- Bergbamboes
- Bering Sea Spring Beauty
- Bermuda Blue-Eyed Grass
- Bermuda Buttercup
- Bermuda Grass
- Berry Bladder Fern
- Berry-Bearing Catchfly
- Beth Root
- Betoum
- Bible Hyssop
- Biennial Wormwood
- Big Bluestem
- Big Tree
- Big-Cone Pine
- Big-Fruit Hawthorn
- Big-Leaf Lupin
- Big-Node Bamboo
- Big-Tooth Maple
- Bigberry Manzanita
- Bigfruit Dodder
- Bighead Clover
- Bigleaf Aster
- Bigleaf Magnolia
- Bigroot
- Bigroot Geranium
- Bigseed Biscuitroot
- Bilberry
- Biota
- Birch Bark Cherry
- Birch-Leaved Pear
- Bird Cherry
- Bird Grape
B cont.
- Bird Of Paradise
- Bird's Foot Trefoil
- Bird's Foot Violet
- Birdbill Dayflower
- Birdsfoot Fenugreek
- Birthwort
- Biscuitroot
- Bishop's Pine
- Bishop's Weed
- Bistort
- Bitter Bark
- Bitter Bloom
- Bitter Cherry
- Bitter Milkwort
- Bitter Orange
- Bitter Sneezeweed
- Bitter Vetch
- Bitter-Root
- Bittercress
- Bitternut
- Bittersweet
- Black Apple
- Black Apricot
- Black Ash
- Black Bamboo
- Black Beech
- Black Bindweed
- Black Box
- Black Bryony
- Black Caraway
- Black Chokeberry
- Black Cohosh
- Black Cumin
- Black Elder
- Black Eyed Susan
- Black Hawthorn
- Black Hellebore
- Black Hickory
- Black Highbush Blueberry
- Black Horehound
- Black Huckleberry
- Black Knapweed
- Black Locust
- Black Maple
- Black Medick
- Black Mulberry
- Black Mustard
- Black Nightshade
- Black Oak
- Black Peppermint
- Black Persimmon
- Black Poplar
- Black Raspberry
- Black Sagebrush
- Black Saltwort
- Black Sassafras
- Black Sloe
- Black Snakeroot
- Black Spleenwort
- Black Spruce
- Black Tree Fern
- Black Tupelo
- Black Walnut
- Black Wattle
- Black Willow
- Black-Wood
- Blackberry
- Blackcurrant
- Blackcurrant Sage
- Blackjack Oak
- Blackroot
- Blackseed Plantain
- Blackthorn
- Blackwood
- Bladder Campion
- Bladder Dock
- Bladder Ground Cherry
- Bladder Nut
- Bladder Pod
- Bladder Senna
- Bladdernut
- Bladderwort
- Blanket Flower
- Blazing Star
- Bleeding Heart
- Blessed Thistle
- Blond Psyllium
- Blood Plum
- Blood Root
- Blue Ash
- Blue Bean
- Blue Brush
- Blue Elder
- Blue Flag
- Blue Flax Lily
- Blue Funnel Lily
- Blue Grama
- Blue Grass Lily
- Blue Hesper Palm
- Blue Lettuce
- Blue Lupin
- Blue Lupine
- Blue Mallee
- Blue Oak
- Blue Panic Grass
- Blue Poppy
- Blue Sage
- Blue Sausage Fruit
- Blue Sow Thistle
- Blue Spider Wort
- Blue Spruce
- Blue Toadflax
- Blue Wild Rye
- Blue-Leaved Wattle
- Bluebeard
- Bluebell
- Blueberry Ash
- Bluewood
- Bog Bilberry
- Bog Heather
- Bog Myrtle
- Bog Rosemary
- Bog Stitchwort
- Bog Wintergreen
- Bogbean
- Bokhara Plum
- Bolander's Onion
- Boldu
- Bollwyller Pear
- Bolwarra
- Boobialla
- Boobyalla
- Borage
- Boston Ivy
- Bottle Gourd
- Bowltube Iris
- Bowstring Hemp
- Box
- Box Elder
- Box Huckleberry
- Box Myrtle
- Box Thorn
- Boxleaf Honeysuckle
- Boz-Pirnal Oak
- Bracken
- Bractscale
- Branched Indian Clover
- Branched Pencil Cholla
- Branching Bur-Reed
- Branching Phacelia
- Brass Buttons
- Bread Wheat
- Breadroot
- Bridalwreath Spiraea
- Bridewort
- Bristle Oats
- Bristle-Cone Pine
- Bristly Fiddleneck
- Bristly Greenbrier
- Bristly Locust
- Bristly Ox-Tongue
- Bristly Sarsaparilla
- Brittle Bladder Fern
- Brittle Bush
- Broad Bean
- Broad-Leaved Geebong
- ... further results