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Honey Fungus is caused by direct contact with the roots of an infected plant or tree. It is also caused by the rhizomorphs (see above for explanation) spreading underground from the infected plants to other healthy plants.Some plants are more vulnerable to catching Honey Fungus whilst others are relatively resistant to it. The list below shows some common plants in these categories. It is true that healthy plants are less likely to be attacked by Honey Fungus compared to plants which are weak and growing in poor conditions.|solution=The only course of action is to dig out all infected plants and burn them. Try to remove as much of the root system as possible because this is where the disease is most easily transmitted to other plants.For smaller areas a degree of further control can be achieved by removing the top 60 to 90 cm (2 to 3 foot) of soil and replacing it with infection free soil.When replanting, choose plants that are resistant to Honey Fungus (see the list above) and definitely avoid those most susceptible to Honey Fungus (see list above). Keep plants as healthy as possible by regular mulching and feeding.