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Edible uses


Fruit - raw, cooked or made into preserves[1]. Sweet and succulent with an exquisite taste, they are far superior to the cultivated strawberry[K]. The fruit is fairly small, up to 15mm in diameter, but it is produced abundantly from early summer until the frosts of autumn[K].

Young leaves - raw or cooked[2][3]. Added to salads or used as a potherb[1]. The fresh or dried leaves are used as a tea substitute[4][5][1].

The root has been used as a coffee substitute in India[6].
There are no edible uses listed for Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'.

Material uses

The flowers are an alternative ingredient of 'Quick Return' herbal compost activator[7]. This is a dried and powdered mixture of several herbs that can be added to a compost heap in order to speed up bacterial activity and thus shorten the time needed to make the compost[K].

The fruit is used as a tooth cleaner[8]. The fresh fruit removes stains from teeth if it is allowed to remain for about 5 minutes[8].

The fruit is also used cosmetically in skin-care creams[4]. It tones and whitens the skin, combats wrinkles, lightens freckles, soothes sunburn and whitens the teeth[9].
There are no material uses listed for Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'.

Medicinal uses(Warning!)

The leaves and the fruit are astringent, diuretic, laxative and tonic[8][10][11]. The leaves are mainly used, though the fruits are an excellent food to take when feverish and are also effective in treating rheumatic gout[8]. A slice of strawberry is also excellent when applied externally to sunburnt skin[8]. A tea made from the leaves is a blood tonic[11]. It is used in the treatment of chilblains[12] and also as an external wash on sunburn[11]. The leaves are harvested in the summer and dried for later use[13].

The fruits contain salicylic acid and are beneficial in the treatment of liver and kidney complaints, as well as in the treatment of rheumatism and gout[9].

The roots are astringent and diuretic[8][11]. A decoction is used internally in the treatment of diarrhoea and chronic dysentery[8][9]. Externally it is used to treat chilblains and as a throat gargle[9]. The roots are harvested in the autumn and dried for later use[13].
There are no medicinal uses listed for Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'.


Ecosystem niche/layer

Ecological Functions

Nothing listed.


Nothing listed.


Nothing listed.


Seed - sow early spring in a greenhouse. The seed can take 4 weeks or more to germinate. The seedlings are very small and slow-growing at first, but then grow rapidly. Prick them out into individual pots when they are large enough to handle and plant them out during the summer.

Practical Plants is currently lacking information on propagation instructions of Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'. Help us fill in the blanks! Edit this page to add your knowledge.


Prefers a fertile, well-drained, moisture retentive soil in a sunny position[14][15]. Tolerates semi-shade though fruit production will be reduced when plants are growing in such a position. Prefers some shade according to some reports[16][17]. Plants are often found on clay soils[17] and on soils overlying chalk[18].

Alpine strawberries appreciate a mulch of pine or spruce leaves[19]. The alpine strawberry is often cultivated in the garden for its edible fruit. This fruit is fairly small but exquisitely flavoured and is freely produced from June to November. There are some named varieties[1]. It is not very feasible to grow this plant on a commercial scale because it is very labour intensive to pick and it is also hard to get the fruit to market in good quality. However, it is sometimes grown by specialised growers for the luxury market.

The main drawback of growing this plant is that it tends to lose vigour after about 2 - 3 years, partly due to virus diseases and partly because the plant flowers and fruits so freely that it exhausts itself.


Problems, pests & diseases

Associations & Interactions

There are no interactions listed for Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'. Do you know of an interaction that should be listed here? edit this page to add it.

Polycultures & Guilds

There are no polycultures listed which include Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'.




None listed.


None listed.

Full Data

This table shows all the data stored for this plant.

Binomial name
Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'
Imported References
Edible uses
Medicinal uses
Material uses & Functions
Edible uses
None listed.
Material uses
None listed.
Medicinal uses
None listed.
Functions & Nature
Provides forage for
Provides shelter for
Hardiness Zone
Heat Zone
full sun
light shade
Soil Texture
Soil Water Retention
Environmental Tolerances
    Native Climate Zones
    None listed.
    Adapted Climate Zones
    None listed.
    Native Geographical Range
    None listed.
    Native Environment
    None listed.
    Ecosystem Niche
    None listed.
    Root Zone Tendancy
    None listed.
    Deciduous or Evergreen
    Herbaceous or Woody
    Life Cycle
    Growth Rate
    Mature Size
    Flower Colour
    Flower Type


    1. ? Facciola. S. Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications ISBN 0-9628087-0-9 (1990-00-00)
    2. ? 2.02.1 Larkcom. J. Salads all the Year Round. Hamlyn (1980-00-00)
    3. ? 3.03.1 Tanaka. T. Tanaka's Cyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. Keigaku Publishing (1976-00-00)
    4. ? Chiej. R. Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants. MacDonald ISBN 0-356-10541-5 (1984-00-00)
    5. ? 5.05.1 Kunkel. G. Plants for Human Consumption. Koeltz Scientific Books ISBN 3874292169 (1984-00-00)
    6. ? 6.06.1 Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi. (1986-00-00)
    7. ? 7.07.1 Bruce. M. E. Commonsense Compost Making. Faber ISBN 0-571-09990-4 (1977-00-00)
    8. ? Grieve. A Modern Herbal. Penguin ISBN 0-14-046-440-9 (1984-00-00)
    9. ? Phillips. R. & Foy. N. Herbs Pan Books Ltd. London. ISBN 0-330-30725-8 (1990-00-00)
    10. ? 10.010.1 Launert. E. Edible and Medicinal Plants. Hamlyn ISBN 0-600-37216-2 (1981-00-00)
    11. ? Foster. S. & Duke. J. A. A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America. Houghton Mifflin Co. ISBN 0395467225 (1990-00-00)
    12. ? 12.012.1 De. Bray. L. The Wild Garden. ()
    13. ? Bown. D. Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses. Dorling Kindersley, London. ISBN 0-7513-020-31 (1995-00-00)
    14. ? Vilmorin. A. The Vegetable Garden. Ten Speed Press ISBN 0-89815-041-8 ()
    15. ? 15.015.1 Huxley. A. The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992. MacMillan Press ISBN 0-333-47494-5 (1992-00-00)
    16. ? Simmons. A. E. Growing Unusual Fruit. David and Charles ISBN 0-7153-5531-7 (1972-00-00)
    17. ? 17.017.1 Brown. Shade Plants for Garden and Woodland. ()
    18. ? Triska. Dr. Hamlyn Encyclopaedia of Plants. Hamlyn ISBN 0-600-33545-3 (1975-00-00)
    19. ? Philbrick H. and Gregg R. B. Companion Plants. Watkins (1979-00-00)