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Toxic parts

The seed is rich in saponins. Although poisonous, saponins are poorly absorbed by the human body and so most pass through without harm. Saponins are quite bitter and can be found in many common foods such as some beans. They can be removed by carefully leaching the seed or flour in running water. Thorough cooking, and perhaps changing the cooking water once, will also normally remove most of them. However, it is not advisable to eat large quantities of food that contain saponins. Saponins are much more toxic to some creatures, such as fish, and hunting tribes have traditionally put large quantities of them in streams, lakes etc in order to stupefy or kill the fish[K].

Edible uses


Seed - cooked[1]. It can be dried, ground into a flour and used as a gruel. The seed is quite large, up to 35mm in diameter[2], and is easily harvested[K]. It is quite rich in saponins and needs to be leached of these toxins before it becomes safe to eat - the Indians would do this by slow-roasting the nuts (which would have rendered the saponins harmless) and then cutting them into thin slices, putting them into a cloth bag and rinsing them in a stream for 2 - 5 days. By this time most of the minerals etc would also have been leached out[K].

Material uses

Saponins in the seed are used as a soap substitute[3]. The saponins can be easily obtained by chopping the seed into small pieces and infusing them in hot water. This water can then be used for washing the body, clothes etc. Its main drawback is a lingering odour of horse chestnuts[K]. Wood - close-grained, light, soft, white, but often blemished by dark lines of decay[2][4]. It weighs 28lb per cubic foot[5]. It is easy to carve and resists splitting. Ideal to use in making artificial limbs, it is also used for woodenware, pulp etc and is occasionally sawn into lumber[2][4][5].

Unknown part

Medicinal uses(Warning!)

Minute doses of the seed are used internally in the treatment of spasmodic coughs, asthma and internal irritations[1]. It is used externally as a tea or an ointment in the treatment of rheumatism and piles[1]. An extract of the bark has been used as an irritant of the cerebro-spinal system[2].

Unknown part


Ecosystem niche/layer


Ecological Functions

Nothing listed.


Nothing listed.


Nothing listed.


Seed - best sown outdoors or in a cold frame as soon as it is ripe[6][7]. The seed germinates almost immediately and must be given protection from severe weather[8]. The seed has a very limited viability and must not be allowed to dry out. Stored seed should be soaked for 24 hours prior to sowing and even after this may still not be viable[7][9]. It is best to sow the seed with its 'scar' downwards[8]. If sowing the seed in a cold frame, pot up the seedlings in early spring and plant them out into their permanent positions in the summer.

Practical Plants is currently lacking information on propagation instructions of Aesculus glabra. Help us fill in the blanks! Edit this page to add your knowledge.


Prefers a deep loamy well-drained soil but is not too fussy[10][6].

This species is the state tree of Ohio[4]. Its growth-rate is moderate in the wild, with trees living up to 100 years[4]. In Britain, it grows best in eastern and south-eastern areas of England probably needing a continental climate in order to thrive[11][12]. Although the trees are hardy when dormant, the new growth can be damaged by late spring frosts[6]. The twigs, bark, flowers and leaves all produce a foetid odour if crushed[4].

Most members of this genus transplant easily, even when fairly large[6].


Problems, pests & diseases

Associations & Interactions

There are no interactions listed for Aesculus glabra. Do you know of an interaction that should be listed here? edit this page to add it.

Polycultures & Guilds

There are no polycultures listed which include Aesculus glabra.




None listed.


None listed.

Full Data

This table shows all the data stored for this plant.

Binomial name
Aesculus glabra
Imported References
Edible uses
Medicinal uses
Material uses & Functions
Edible uses
None listed.
Material uses
None listed.
Medicinal uses
None listed.
Functions & Nature
Provides forage for
Provides shelter for
Hardiness Zone
Heat Zone
full sun
light shade
Soil PH
Soil Texture
Soil Water Retention
Environmental Tolerances
    Native Climate Zones
    None listed.
    Adapted Climate Zones
    None listed.
    Native Geographical Range
    None listed.
    Native Environment
    None listed.
    Ecosystem Niche
    Root Zone Tendancy
    None listed.
    Deciduous or Evergreen
    Herbaceous or Woody
    Life Cycle
    Growth Rate
    Mature Size
    Flower Colour
    Flower Type

    "image:Aesculus glabra USDA1.jpg|248px" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. "image:Aesculus glabra USDA1.jpg|248px" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. "image:Aesculus glabra USDA1.jpg|248px" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

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    1. ? Foster. S. & Duke. J. A. A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America. Houghton Mifflin Co. ISBN 0395467225 (1990-00-00)
    2. ? Sargent. C. S. Manual of the Trees of N. America. Dover Publications Inc. New York. ISBN 0-486-20278-X (1965-00-00)
    3. ? 3.03.1 Buchanan. R. A Weavers Garden. ()
    4. ? Elias. T. The Complete Trees of N. America. Field Guide and Natural History. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. ISBN 0442238622 (1980-00-00)
    5. ? Britton. N. L. Brown. A. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada Dover Publications. New York. ISBN 0-486-22642-5 (1970-00-00)
    6. ? Bean. W. Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement. Murray (1981-00-00)
    7. ? 7.07.1 McMillan-Browse. P. Hardy Woody Plants from Seed. Grower Books ISBN 0-901361-21-6 (1985-00-00)
    8. ? 8.08.1 ? The Plantsman. Vol. 4. 1982 - 1983. Royal Horticultural Society (1982-00-00)
    9. ? Dirr. M. A. and Heuser. M. W. The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation. Athens Ga. Varsity Press ISBN 0942375009 (1987-00-00)
    10. ? F. Chittendon. RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956 Oxford University Press (1951-00-00)
    11. ? ? The Plantsman. Vol. 6. 1984 - 1985. Royal Horticultural Society (1984-00-00)
    12. ? 12.012.1 Huxley. A. The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992. MacMillan Press ISBN 0-333-47494-5 (1992-00-00)

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